Installer I604 fixes some small Windows issues. Installer version I603 fixes a bug in the version number as seen by Windows (was 2.5.4, not 2.5.4). Installer version I602 fixes loading of pkcs11 files on Windows. The latter includes several improvements, the most important of which is the ability to import profiles from URLs where available. Windows installers include updated OpenSSL and new OpenVPN GUI. Windows executable and libraries are now built natively on Windows using MSVC, not cross-compiled on Linux as with earlier 2.5 releases. One of the fixes is to password prompting on windows console when stderr redirection is in use - this breaks 2.5.x on Win11/ARM, and might also break on Win11/amd64.

This release include a number of fixes and small improvements. The OpenVPN community project team is proud to release OpenVPN 2.5.4.