From the Fallout franchise itself, there's Harold, Marcus, Cheng, Moira, Butch, Autumn, and Grognak.The sheer number of voiced player names have some hidden shout-outs, including: Aaliyah, KalEl, Vash, Battousai, Kenshin, Deckard, Chappy, Deschain, Flagg, Erectus, Furiosa, Imperator, Rictus, Rockatansky, Sarse, Toecutter, Kirk, McCoy, Picard, Akira, Kaneda, Tetsuo, Neo, Trinity, Morpheus, Ripley, Weyland, Yutani, Hicks, Hudson, Dallas, Shinji, Mikami, Finn, Jake, Sweetpea, Katniss, Everdeen, Riddick, Sanjuro, Yojimbo, Snake, Plissken, Sterling, Archer, Atticus, Indiana, Jones, Leo, Don, Mike, Raphael, Roland, Brick, Maya, Zed, Psycho, Gordon, Freeman, Marty, McFly, Tony, Stark, Spider, Jerusalem, Steve, Rogers, Peter, Venkman, Rick, Sanchez, Bob, Ross, John, Connor, Hawke, Gabriel, Logan, Lian, Buffy, Spike, Angel, Starbuck, Bruce, Banner, Springsteen, León, Harry, Mason, Cheryl, Luke, Leia, Han, Solo, Malak, Jet, Li, Wayne, Campbell, Michael, Myers, Jeff, Corwin note which can also double as a reference to The Chronicles of Amber, Daryl, Hannah, Heisenberg, Dutch, Schaefer, Prince, Tesla, Denton, Corvo, Sam, Fisher, Isaac, Clarke, Ellie, Carver, Selena, Gomez, Madeleine, Leeloo, Korben, Django, Jack, Dawson, Rose, Muhammad, Ali, James, Bond, Harley, Quinn, Sherlock, Holmes, Morticia, Bort, Church, Washington, Texas, Jennifer, Lopez, Markipoo, Cena, Yorick, etc.If it is a mere coincidence that the two remaining Minutemen loyalists you meet are named Preston and Sturges, then it's quite a remarkable one.